I think I’m beginning to see a theme.
Aside: Everything Else.
A Little Night Music: Not to be confused with It’s About That Time Of Night.
Because It Was There: Music Without Motive.
Car-Toon: Largely pun based cartoons which make up with enthusiasm what they lack in humour. Allegedly.
Doggerel: Rob’s the name. Rhyming’s the hobby.
For We Must Have Music: Tuneful posts not otherwise collected.
How To Guitar: Play along to all the hits and more (just more actually).
It Ain’t What They Call Rock And Roll: An attempt to split things up a bit as the quantity of music posts mounts up. I could say what it includes but why spoil the surprise.
Mixcloud: The odd compilation and some less odd.
Music Facts: Facts about music.
Noise: Sounds that I make.
One Wot I Like: Contemporary Tunes that tickle my fancy.
Photography: Photographs I have taken, sometimes with a moral, but usually a camera.
Proverbs: Updated And Corrected.
Quote: As Quothed. Don’t try these at home.
Recording: Sounds that I record for posterity whether posterity wants them or not.
Reviewed: You can listen to the music on Bandcamp before buying so why would anyone read the reviews? Here’s some reviews of albums on Bandcamp.
Small Beer: Inconsequential items of no fixed abode.