Businessmen On Bicycles – Chip On The Floor (1986)
From the bulbum Groid LVIIII as found in excerpt here.
A band notable for their lack of either businessmen or bicycles. I was part of the classic Mark II recording line up.
Businessmen On Bicycles – Chip On The Floor (1986)
From the bulbum Groid LVIIII as found in excerpt here.
Businessmen On Bicycles – Beards (1987)
A demo from the batch whence came The Sessionaires Sunny Sessions of 1990.
Businessmen On Bicycles – Sheep (1987)
Another demo from the same batch that begat The Sessionaires Sunny Sessions of 1990.
A rare BOB track before it was swamped in sound effects. Live to reel in 1986.
By clever use of studio trickery the sound of people shouting from some distance away was created by standing some distance away and shouting.
But even here the tensions can be heard which would lead to the split in 2014.
Selections from Groid LVIIII (A State Of Mind) as recorded in 1986 straight to a stereo reel to reel tape machine or at most bounced between a pair of them.
Ian & Simon of BOB have recently reconvened as Kings of Dynamic Party Sound.
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